Y3K Recipes issue no.38
(Sept. – Oct. 2007)
Title: Pork
60 Delicious Pork Recipes, Homely Dishes
Pork in Herbal Recipes
Bread Baking
Malaysian Buka Puasa Recipes
A Gourmet Trip To Singapore
Contents of recipes in Y3K no.38
Catherine’s Kitchen 谢宋美私房菜
☆ 咸蛋蒸猪肉 Salted Egg Steamed Pork
☆ 姜葱炒猪腰 Ginger & Spring Onions Fried With Pig's Kidneys
☆ 烧排骨 Roasted Spare-ribs
☆ 青咖哩猪肉 Green Curry With Pork
Y3K’s Choice 推荐食谱
☆ 家庭式脆皮烧肉 Home-made Crispy Skin Roast Pork
The Master’s Touch 大师授艺
☆ 娘惹酸菜 Assam Roast Pork Nyonya Cuisine
☆ 焖肉 Stewed Meat
☆ 娘惹香料炒猪肉 Bak Char Rumpah (Nyonya Cuisine)
☆ 干咖哩甲必丹排骨 Spare-ribs Dry Curry Kapitan
☆ 娘惹腐竹汤 Tek Garki Th'ng (Nyonya Cuisine of Foo Chook Soup)
Put Some Meat On Your Plate 无肉不欢
☆ 泰式柠檬肉片 Lemon Fragrance Pork Ala Thai-style
☆ 豉汁蒸排骨 Ribs Steamed with Fermented Black Beans
☆ 雪菜肉碎扒菜蔬 Preserved Vegetable & Minced Meat Braised
☆ 醋溜肉丸 Meatballs In Sourish Sauce
☆ 亚参猪肉片 Assam Pork Slices
☆ 酸甜风梨肉球 Pineapple Meat Balls & Tangy Sauce
A Table Of Meat Consumers 肉香传千里
☆ 芝麻排骨 Sesame Seeds Spare-ribs
☆ 金香猪脚 Kam Heong Pig’s Trotter
☆ 腐乳花腩煲 Foo Yee Belly Pork
☆ 鸳鸯肠 Yin Yang Offal
A Whiff Across 金门美食
☆ 炸虾饼 Shrimps Cake Galore
☆ 韩式人参鸡汤 Ginseng Chicken Soup Ala Korean
☆ 红烧排骨 Red-braised Rib
☆ 清蒸斗鲳 Simple Steamed Pomfret
☆ 金门蚝煎 Fried Oyster Pancake Kim Mui Style
☆ 金门面线 Kim Mui Mee Suah
Cook It Our Way 我们的食谱
☆ 开胃咸菜凤爪 Ham Choy With Chicken Feet
☆ 卤鸭 Braised Duck
☆ 南乳排骨 Braised Nam Yee Ribs
☆ 椰香焗鸡 Santan Braised Chicken
☆ 特式油饭 Fragrant Rice
☆ 蒸香蕉蛋糕 Steamed Banana Kuih
☆ 猪肝桂花肉 Aromatic Liver Dish
☆ 莲子芡实猪肉汤 Lotus Seeds, Foxnut Pork Soup
☆ 杏仁蒸猪肉 Sweet Almonds Steamed Pork
☆ 玉竹猪肉汤 Yoke Chook Pork Soup
☆ 冬菇猪肉汤 Shitake Mushrooms Pork Soup
☆ 紫菜猪肉汤 Seaweed Pork Soup
☆ 花生红枣猪蹄美肤汤 Groundnuts Dates Pig’s Trotter Soup
☆ 鸡骨草猪肉汤 Herbs & Lean Pork Soup
☆ 夏枯草排骨汤 Hah Khoo Choh Spare Ribs Soup
☆ 板栗猪肉汤 Fresh Chesnuts Pork Soup
☆ 无花果炖肉 Dried Figs Pork Soup
☆ 蚝豉肉汤 Oysters Pork Soup
☆ 莲子百合猪肉汤 Lotus Seeds, Lily Bulb & Pork Soup
☆ 黄精炖肉 Wang Jing Steamed Pork
Ramadhan Feast 斋戒月美食
☆ Kuih Kemboja
☆ 薄饼Popiah
☆ Nasi Beriani Tumpang
☆ Daging Beriani Kambing
☆ Assam Rebus Ikan Masin dengan Nenas
☆ 参峇榴梿虾 Sambal Tempoyak Udang
☆ Masak Lemak Tempoyak Pucuk Ubi
☆ Ayam Masak Assam
☆ Serunding Kelapa dengan Udang Kering
☆ Botok-botok Ikan
Can You Resist These Baked Thrats 面包飘香
☆ 芝士咸豆蓉面包 Cheese & Savoury Bean Paste Bread
☆ 墨西哥芋头面包 Mexican Taro Bread
☆ 如意卷红豆面包 Bean Paste Bread in a Cup
☆ 香咸奶黄面包 Savoury Custard Bread
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